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Why support Austin's Prop A on November 2nd?

What is Prop A?


Prop A is a ballot measure that will be brought before voters on November 2nd regarding adequate staffing for law enforcement. The ballot measure ensures lower 911 call response times, more patrols in parks, neighborhoods, and business areas.


Why vote for Prop A?


Safer Neighborhoods

Violent crime has steadily increased over the past 18 months. Already, Austin has reached an all-time record high for the number of murders and other violent crimes. Women and other minorities have been the most affected, putting already vulnerable populations at increased risk of harm.

Just a few of the crimes that have increased since our police department lost funding:

  • Kidnapping - up 5% 

  • Animal Cruelty - up 12%

  • Sexual Assault with an Object - up 28%

  • Arson - up 31%

  • Murder - up 71% 

Source: Chief's Monthly Report - AUG 2021

Lower violent crime

Since APD’s budget was slashed in 2020, violent crime as skyrocketed while police staffing has plummeted. We currently have 1,514 police officers serving 961,855 Austin residents at a ratio of over 1:635. This forces police to stop prevention efforts and focus on responding to crimes that have already taken place. Austinites deserve better.


Safer roads

With severe understaffing, police have been forced to stop patrols in many cases and just focus on emergency calls. This means no one has time to patrol the road for dangerous drivers, speeding drivers, or individuals driving under the influence. It means more risky behavior going unchecked on our highways, more traffic accidents, and more injuries to innocent people on our roads.


Faster Police 911 Response Times

The current average response time in Austin is 9.5 minutes for a 911 emergency call. With APD having a fraction of the officers needed to cover daily shifts, some dispatchers are being forced to choose between having officers respond to calls about violent crimes or traffic fatalities. Not only is this delay in response time dangerous to those who find themselves in an emergency situation, but it causes delays in clearing roads. Our police shortage is worsening traffic and bringing our roadways to a standstill.

Where to vote for Prop A

If you are ready to take action on behalf of Austin families and those most at risk, vote below at one of Austin's many voting locations.

Early Voting is Monday, October 18th - Friday, October 29th

Election Day is Tuesday, November 2nd

You can vote at any location in Travis County.

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